Tagged hans dieter potsch

Supervisory Board of Porsche SE extends appointments

Prof. Winterkorn and Hans Dieter Pötsch appointed for five more years

Stuttgart, 9 March 2012. In today’s meeting the Supervisory Board of Porsche Automobil Holding SE (Porsche SE), Stuttgart, extended the appointment of Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn as CEO and Hans Dieter Pötsch as CFO by five years effective 25 November 2012. They will exercise these tasks in addition to their functions as members of the Management Board of Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg.

Dr. Wolfgang Porsche, Chairman of the Supervisory Board expressed his sincere thanks to the two Board Members for their successful work and said that he is convinced they will bring in their respec-tive know how and experience for the good and the further development of Porsche SE.

source: Porsche SE

Prof. Dr. Winterkorn: “Porsche SE is clearly on track for success”

Annual General Meeting in Stuttgart / very good business development of Porsche and Volkswagen investments / proposed dividend of 50 cents per preference share

Stuttgart, 17 June 2011. Porsche Automobil Holding SE (Porsche SE) is continuing to benefit from the very good business development of its Volkswagen and Porsche investments. In the first three months of the fiscal year 2011, profit after tax totaled 691 million euro. Already in the short fiscal year 2010, from 1 August to 31 December of the prior year, Porsche SE disclosed profit after tax of 1.29 billion euro. “Porsche SE is clearly on track for success,” Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn, CEO of Porsche SE told shareholders at the company’s Annual General Meeting in Stuttgart. Read more